Weekly Recap: Kyle's birthday week

June 26, 2017

It's been a really busy week and I'm already behind on my intended schedule for new posts. I will to try to catch up with new entries on teas and food soon. But in the mean time, here's a little recap of the past week:

The boyfriend turned 26 on Monday! I got him a limited edition monochrome Batgirl figurine. Kyle asked for this figurine back in January this year and I made the poor thing wait till his birthday before he actually received the present haha sorry hun! 😸 Well, since Kyle knew what his birthday present was, I wanted to surprise him with something else for his birthday so I tried my hand in making his favourite, hummus, for the first time. Huge success! He loved it! I also made him a hazelnut sponge cake with Nutella whipped cream. 
Hazelnut sponge cake I made for Kyle's birthday
My first attempt at homemade hummus for Kyle's birthday
Kyle and I went to Chez Pierre, a French restaurant in Nedlands, on Tuesday for dinner to celebrate his birthday. They are not open on Mondays so Kyle got to celebrate his birthday on Tuesday too. The food was amazing! The panna cotta was absolutely mouth watering! I definitely want to go back there. 
Some desserts from the Dessert Degustation. The panna cotta was my favourite thing on the plate. IT WAS THE BOMB.
Kyle and I had dinner with our friends Saskia and Brendan at The Hummus Club in Northbridge on Friday night. Yes, The Hummus Club, because Kyle loves hummus. I have heard and read so many amazing reviews about the food at The Hummus Club and it did not disappoint! Food was amazing! We thoroughly enjoyed it. The company made it even better. More on The Hummus Club soon in an upcoming post. We walked to Chicho Gelato which was approximately 3 minutes away because Saskia really wanted to try the new Smoked S'mores dessert. I've seen it on Instagram and they looked absolutely delightful! Unfortunately for us, this new dessert was starting on the weekend. We were one day too early. Queue the 'Disappointed Hercules' meme. So we decided to head to Pietro Gelateria because we saw that they had a new flavour of gelato: Apple Chai Crumble! Unfortunately for us again, this new flavour was only starting on Saturday too. How unlucky are we? 
Food at The Hummus Club
Wouldn't be a proper Friday night without some cocktails
We ended up with gelato from Pietro Gelateria. Just not the new Apple Chai Crumble. 
Couch shopping
My folks and I headed to IKEA on Saturday afternoon looking for a new couch. They decided on a couch quite quickly but thought since the couch was quite big and bulky that it would come pre-fixed and already assembled. It wasn't until we were shown to the rack where the flat packs for the couch were that the core concept of IKEA sank in. And that core concept: DIY. How did we not see this coming? So after hours of walking around the showrooms of IKEA, we left IKEA, mission failed. 

Asian tapas
Eating out again on Saturday night! This time I'm out with my folks at Neho Asian Tapas in Victoria Park. My folks loved it! I was worried my parents would not enjoy the idea of tapas but I'm glad they enjoyed the food. We ordered way too much for the 3 of us, it felt like we had to waddle out of the restaurant but hey, no regrets! More on the food at Neho Asian Tapas coming up in another post.  
Pandacotta from Neho Asian Tapas. Waited to taste this all night and it was delicious!
Sunday Brunch
It was family brunch at Mary Street Bakery in Highgate on Sunday. Only one more weekend with my dad before he heads home to Singapore so we'll be eating out heaps. Food at Mary Street Bakery was delicious! More details on food at Mary Street bakery is in the works, stay tuned! 
The food at Mary Street Bakery

Well, that was my week. Filled with heaps of indulgent food. I will need to start on a diet soon. I keep saying that but I never follow through. I'm sure most of you know this struggle. Oh well... Until next time, have a great week ahead!


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